St Lawrence Primary School, Barton
We are back again running a afterschool cookery course at BARTON, ST LAWRENCE Primary School.
For 6 weeks starting Tuesday 1oth September for 6 weeks.
Collection time from school will be 4.30pm (please arrive on time as Carolyn has to be back at Flavours for another class) – Please can ALL parents highlight in the additional comments box (which can be found on the booking form) if their child is being collected by a parent/guardian, walking home alone or going to the afterschool club.
If your child attends St Lawrence Primary School, Barton & you would like them to attend please pay via the link below.
We will be creating healthy choice meals in this 6 week course, including sweet and savoury dishes in alternative weeks.
Each week we will support your child to make either a sweet or savoury dish (to serve 1) to cook & enjoy at home (all cooking/reheating instructions will be provided) – Please inform us at the time of booking if you child has any allergies or lifestyle choices which we need to be aware of.
Our 6 week after school program is the ideal educational program which supports the fundamental believes & underpinning knowledge of education.
Each week the team from Flavours Cookery School talk about healthy food, lifestyle choices & together create their individual dish.
Through accessing this afterschool club we are supporting your childs’ overall knowledge, self esteem, maths awareness, as well as a greater awareness of different cultures & food from around the world.